Happy people live longer

By Lau Bee Yun

Income? Health? What is the secret to making people live longer?

Based on the study from University London College, it showed that the more enjoyable you think your life is, the longer you may live!!! This does sound a little unbelievable, but this is the truth.

↓ Let’s take a look at why happy people may live longer ↓

1. A Positive Mindset

One possible explanation is those happy people are better with handling the stress. So when they encounter difficulties in their life, they can face and solve the problems more optimistically.

In this way, trouble and melancholy will stay away from those happy people~!!!

2. Never Lose Touch with Others

According to the research, seniors who have contact with others, even peripherally, it will keep their bodies and their psyches as fit as a fiddle.

This is due to having contact regularly with at least 10 companions can fundamentally increment their joy and protracts their life.

3. Happiness can reduce the risks of suffering from grave diseases

When a person is depressed, the body will start to produce a lot of stress hormones which is dangerous for our health.

Once the stress hormones increase, the more vulnerable the person becomes and will result in heart disease, stroke, and so on.

So that people who are generally happy produce fewer stress hormones and it will avoid these grave diseases.

4. Positive Emotions

Do you know that having positive emotions can actually add several years to a person’s life?

This is because positive people will focus on their own things and they will feel happy easily even is something small in their daily life.

Therefore, those individuals who are happy and satisfied about their life, and who have a sense of purpose will live longer than those individuals who don’t have those sentiments.

Although optimism does not solve the problem, it can make you face the problem in a calmer and more cheerful way.

People may lack of wealth but must not lack of happiness because…

‘Happiness may provide a route toward more enjoyable and longer lives.’

Published by silverliningmalaysia

Life is hard, we know. This is a page that is full of optimism. You can find short and sweet articles, heart-warming videos and perhaps, some inspirations!

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