5 Fun facts of optimists

By Cindy Chioh Optimism is not just a mental attitude affecting a belief that all the outcome are positive. It is a way on how we interpret, appreciate and think about for everything that is surround us. It’s more onto how we see life and want to enjoy the things we own and going-through! Today, weContinue reading “5 Fun facts of optimists”

Does optimism depend on your genes?

By Teo Chiam Yu Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person? Science suggests that your genes have an effect on how you see the world! Studies over the year have shown that whether you are an optimist or pessimist – is at least 25% inherited. However, the major factors that impact you theContinue reading “Does optimism depend on your genes?”

Habits to become more Optimistic

By Jasmine Ho Not used to being an optimistic person? Don’t worry! These habits will help train your mind to become one. There’s a lot of benefits to being an optimistic person. So, why not try to get into these habits for a change? Before going to bed, think about the good things that happenedContinue reading “Habits to become more Optimistic”

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